Animals Have Friends

Our 4 Political Asks

Animal Aid urges election candidates to ‘seize the opportunity’ to help animals. We are calling on candidates to sign up to a number of key pledges, which will help some of the UK’s most vulnerable and persecuted animals.

We are asking election candidates to sign up to the following pledges:
1. To support a ban on cages for all farmed animals, including game birds
2. To support a ban on the use of the whip for ‘encouragement’ in horse racing.
3. To support a ban on the use of animals in warfare experiments.
4. To urge Natural England to reverse its decision to make the rescue and release of grey squirrels illegal from December.

1. A ban on cages for all farmed animals, including game birds

Tens of thousands of breeding pheasants and partridges are kept in battery style cages. Repeated investigations by Animal Aid have shown that these are often devoid of even the minimal ‘enrichment’ that is required by regulations. The eggs of these birds are hatched, reared and eventually become the game birds who are shot for sport.

Download our briefing sheet.

2. Ban the use of the whip for ‘encouragement’ in horse racing

The whip is allowed to be used in racing for ‘safety’ and ‘encouragement’. The term ‘encouragement’ means using the whip to force horses to run faster. The RSPCA agrees that the whip should only be used for safety purposes.

Download our briefing sheet.

3. A ban on the use of animals in warfare experiments

In 2018, 1,941 animals were used in warfare experiments, at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl). Previous experiments have included guinea pigs being exposed to the toxic nerve agent VX and marmosets being exposed to Ebola. As well as being cruel, these experiments are also medically useless, since the results cannot be reliably translated to people.

Download our briefing sheet.

4. To urge Natural England to reverse its decision to make the rescue and release of grey squirrels illegal from December.

Natural England currently issues licences for the rescue and release of small numbers of grey squirrels. The licence is required because grey squirrels are classified as ‘non-native’. From 1 December, licences will no longer be issued for rescued grey squirrels to be released, meaning they will either have to be euthanised or held in captivity for the rest of their lives. For more information, read our briefing sheet.


Animals Have Friends